Recent News

C. elegans lab strains Patrick McGrath

Do genetic regulators guide survival strategies in hard times? A tiny mutation in a roundworm says they may well.


CGIS researcher Tony Giarrusso recently installed a “Virtual Sandbox” in Rwanda where CGIS has been working with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International for more than 10 years.

School of Biological Sciences logo again

Effective July 1, the Georgia Tech College of Sciences has a new unit focused on the life sciences — the School of Biological Sciences.

Ph.D. Biology student Xiaoxu Sun creates an oil spill on the beach in a paint tray.  The activity explains how oil is transported to the beach and the potential impacts of the oil to beach animals and ecosystems. Photo by Joel Kostka/Georgia Tech

School of Biology’s Joel Kostka, students engaged fifth-graders in oils spills, oil-eating bacteria.
