2023 August 31
President Ángel Cabrera will highlight recent Institute achievements, convey his vision and goals for the upcoming academic year, and answer audience questions.
2023 August 30
Faculty, staff, and graduate students are invited to join this year's plenary and reception.
2023 July 25
How to build a Glass House, make it stick, and move it around - the instructive Case of Diatoms
2023 March 10 to 2023 March 25
The Atlanta Science Festival is an annual celebration of the world-class learning and STEM career opportunities in metro Atlanta, featuring 100+ engaging events for curious kids and adults at venues all across the region.
2023 January 19
Temporal control of neuronal wiring programs: How do neurons determine which genes to express when?
2023 January 17
Neuronal synapse formation through phase separation" and I'm happy to present in person.
2023 January 17
He will discuss how to use biostatistics in teaching undergraduate biology students
2023 April 4 to 2023 April 6
The Ocean Visions Biennial Summit 2023 will be a significant opportunity to advance the sharing of knowledge and solutions to critical challenges at the ocean-climate nexus.
2023 February 9 to 2023 February 10
The ExplOrigins early career group invites you to join the 2023 Exploration and Origins Colloquium