Past Biological Sciences Seminars & Events

2023 April 24
The Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage shines a light on those around the world who bravely act to improve the human condition, often in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.
Kerry Smith thumbnail_PastedGraphic-1.png
2023 April 18
Title: Cryptococcus: a peach of a pathogen
Steven Chu (Credit: Imke Lass/Redux)
2023 April 26
Please join us for the next School of Physic Public Lecture scheduled for Wednesday, April 26th 5:00pm – 6:00pm.
Steven Chu (Credit: Larry Downing/Reuters)
2023 April 26
Please join us for the next School of Physic Public Lecture scheduled for Wednesday, April 26th 5:00pm – 6:00pm.
Summer NanoFANS2023 - Final Flyer (003).png
2023 June 22
Topic: Trends in Machine Learning for Biology
ENVS Launch Flier
2023 August 25
Join us on the Kendeda porch for the launch of the Environmental Science (ENVS) undergraduate degree program at Georgia Tech.
2023 July 13
Navigating Scientific Publishing in the Nature Portfolio
2023 May 31

Each spring, the Integrative Physiology group invites a noted researcher in the area of applied physiology and/or prosthetics & orthotics to give a lecture to the Georgia Tech community.
