Beginning Spring 2020, the School of Biological Sciences offers courses under a new subject code, BIOS (Biological Sciences). The BIOS subject code replaces both APPH and BIOL subject codes for all undergraduate courses except APPH 1040, APPH 1050, and APPH 1060.
Note that syllabi are provided below for general reference only, and you should expect that specific assignments, grading schemes, and other course policies may change in any given semester. Consult the course Canvas page and/or instructor of record for the course syllabus specific to your term of enrollment.
Quick Links
- Special Topics and Project Lab course descriptions for Spring 2025
- 1000-Level Courses
- 2000-Level Courses
- 3000 and 4000-Level Courses
- BIOS-BIOL-APPH Course Equivalency Table
- Former BIOL and APPH Courses
- Course offering schedule
1000-Level Courses
BIOS 1107 — Biological Principles (replaces BIOL 1510 lecture)
An introduction to the basic principles of modern biology, including biomacromolecules, bioenergetics, cell structure, genetics, evolution, and ecological relationships. For non-Biology majors who are science/engineering majors and/or pre-health. Must be taken with BIOS 1107L.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Note: Fulfills Biological Principles requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1107L — Biological Principles Laboratory (Replaces BIOL 1510 lab) - Syllabus Fall 2022
A laboratory-based introduction to the basic principles of modern biology, including biomacromolecules, bioenergetics, cell structure, genetics, evolution, and ecological relationships. For non-Biology majors who are science/engineering majors and/or pre-health. Must be taken with BIOS 1107.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Note: Fulfills Biological Principles lab requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1108 — Organismal Biology (Replaces BIOL 1520 lecture) - Syllabus Fall 2021
An introduction to biology at the organ and organismal level, with emphasis on physiological processes, integration of growth and development, and biodiversity from an evolutionary perspective. For non-Biology majors who are science/engineering majors and/or pre-health. Must be taken with BIOS 1108L.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Note: Fulfills Organismal Biology requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1108L — Organismal Biology Laboratory (Replaces BIOL 1520 lab)
A laboratory-based introduction to biology at the organ and organismal level, with emphasis on physiological processes, integration of growth and development, and biodiversity from an evolutionary perspective For non-Biology majors who are science/engineering majors and/or pre-health. Must be taken with BIOS 1108.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Note: Fulfills Organismal Biology lab requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1207 — Biological Principles for Majors (Replaces BIOL 1511 lecture) - Syllabus Fall 2021
An introduction to the basic principles of modern biology, including biomacromolecules, bioenergetics, cell structure, genetics, evolution, and ecological relationships. For Biology majors. Must be taken with BIOS 1207L.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Note: Fulfills Biological Principles requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1207L — Biological Principles Project Laboratory (Replaces BIOL 1511 lab) - Syllabus Fall 2021
A project laboratory-based introduction to the basic principles of modern biology, including biomacromolecules, bioenergetics, cell structure, genetics, evolution, and ecological relationships. For Biology majors. Must be taken with BIOS 1207.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Note: Fulfills Biological Principles lab requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1208 — Organismal Biology for Majors (Replaces BIOL 1521 lecture) - Syllabus Spring 2024
An introduction to biology at the organ and organismal level, with emphasis on physiological processes, integration of growth and development, and biodiversity from an evolutionary perspective. For Biology majors. Must be taken with BIOS 1208L.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Note: Fulfills Organismal Biology requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1208L — Organismal Biology Project Laboratory (Replaces BIOL 1521 lab)
A project laboratory-based introduction to biology at the organ and organismal level, with emphasis on physiological processes, integration of growth and development, and biodiversity from an evolutionary perspective For Biology majors. Must be taken with BIOS 1208.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Note: Fulfills Organismal Biology lab requirement for Biology majors.
BIOS 1220 — Biology of Sex and Death - Lecture Syllabus Fall 2021; Lab Syllabus Fall 2021
Students learn biology through the lens of the formation and collapse of biological systems, organized around questions pertaining to life, sex, and death. For non-Biology majors.
4.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Note: Note: Biology majors may not enroll in this course.
2000-Level Courses
BIOS 2100 — Biogeography - New Zealand
Introduction to theory of island biogeography focused on New Zealand's geological history and unique biota.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Note: This course is only offered on the Pacific Study Abroad Program
BIOS 2300 — Ecology (Replaces BIOL 2335) - Syllabus Fall 2022
Introduction to ecological processes at individual, population, and community levels that occur in plant, animal, and microbial taxa, and their relevance to current environmental problems.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2301 — Ecology Lab (Replaces BIOL 2336) - Syllabus Fall 2022
The companion laboratory for BIOS 2300 (Ecology). This course stresses understanding ecological concepts through a combination of lab and field experiments, and computer simulations.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Corequisites: BIOS 2300
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2310 — Problem-Based Ecology (Replaces BIOL 2337) - Syllabus Spring 2022
Problem-based learning approach to modern ecology from populations to communities, stressing independent analysis, scientific thinking, communication and projects in local communities 3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Corequisites: BIOS 2311
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2311 — Problem-Based Ecology Lab (Replaces BIOL 2338) - Syllabus Spring 2022
Companion lab to Problems in Ecology. Problem-based learning approach to modern ecology, stressing independent analysis, scientific thinking, communication and projects in local communities 1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Corequisites: BIOS 2310
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2500 Intro to Sport Science - Syllabus Fall 2021
Students will apply scientific principles to human performance related to sport and movement across an array of topics (e.g., rehabilitation, exercise physiology, locomotion biomechanics, prosthetics).
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
BIOS 2600 — Genetics (Replaces BIOL 2344) - Syllabus Spring 2021; Syllabus Fall 2022
Mendelian and molecular genetics; principles of inheritance, gene structure and function, foundations of recombinant DNA technology, genetic basis of variation and evolution.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2601 — Genetics Laboratory (Replaces BIOL 2345) - Syllabus Spring 2022
A laboratory course in the fundamental techniques of genetic analysis.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Corequisites: BIOS 2600
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2610 — Integrative Genetics (Replaces BIOL 2354) - Syllabus Fall 2020
Rigorous in-depth integrated coverage of rules and molecular basis of inheritance, incorporating primary literature and capitalizing on excellent prior knowledge of fundamentals of biology.3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Corequisites: BIOS 2611
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2611 — Integrative Genetics Lab (Replaces BIOL 2355) - Syllabus Fall 2021
Hands-on introduction to practical techniques, critical thinking, and important concepts in genetics. Students carry out laboratory experiments that explore transmission, population, and molecular genetics.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Corequisites: BIOS 2610
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 2694 — Intern Assistantship - Syllabus Summer 2022
Biology Undergraduate Internship for pay for freshmen and sophomores, by permit only. The internship experience must at a unit or agency approved by the School of Biological Sciences. AUDIT ONLY.
1.000 to 21.000 Credit hours
BIOS 2695 — Undergraduate Internship - Syllabus Summer 2022
Biology Undergraduate Internship for credit for freshmen and sophomores, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Biological Sciences.
1.000 to 21.000 Credit hours
BIOS 2698 — Research Assistantship
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
1.000 TO 12.000 Credit hours, 1.000 TO 12.000 Lecture hours
BIOS 2699 — Undergraduate Research
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
1.000 TO 12.000 Credit hours, 1.000 TO 12.000 Lecture hours
3000 and 4000-Level Courses
Unless required as Biology major Core Courses, most courses below can serve as Biology Depth or Breadth Electives. See the Biology Degree Requirements for more information
BIOS 3000 — Survey of Medicine
Content focuses on scientific, social, and cultural aspects of illness, how perceptions and behavior influence disease concept and fundamental aspects of medical diagnosis and treatment.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L OR BIOS 1207L) and (CHEM 1315 OR CHEM 2311
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 3100 — Ecology & Evolution - Australia
Evolution and ecology of Australian ecosystems, including rainforests, open woodlands, coastal habitats; conservation of endangered ecosystems. Earns Biology technical credit. Research project required.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2100
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 3380 — Microbiology - Syllabus Fall 2021
Basic biology of bacteria, fungi, algae, and viruses, with emphasis on bacteriology.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or 1207 and 1107L or 1207L) and CHEM 1212K
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 3381 — Microbiology Lab - Syllabus Fall 2021
Fundamental laboratory techniques in microbiology.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Corequisites: BIOS 3380
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or 1207 and 1107L or 1207L) and CHEM 1212K
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 3400 — Math Models in Biology - Syllabus Spring 2024
(Note: BIOS 3400 replaces BIOS 2400 starting Fall 2022; BIOS 2400 is no longer offered)
Introductory probability and deterministic models in biology, including discrete and continuous probability distributions and dynamic models from molecular and cellular biology to ecology and epidemiology.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (MATH 1553 and either MATH 1555 or MATH 1552) and (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: this course can fulfill the Biology major Quantitative Requirement or Biology Electives.
BIOS 3450 — Cell & Molecular Biology - Syllabus Spring 2022
An introduction to the structure and function of cells and their organelles with emphasis on eukaryotic cellular and molecular processes.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or 1207 and 1107L or 1207L) and (CHEM 2311 or CHEM 1315)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 3451 — Cell & Molecular Biology Lab - Syllabus Fall 2023
An introduction to experimental methods of cell and molecular biology research that will cover some fundamental topics of cell biology.
0.000 OR 1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 0.000 OR 3.000 Lab hours
Corequisites: BIOS 3450
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or 1207 and 1107L or 1207L) and (CHEM 2311 or CHEM 1315)
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 3600 — Evolutionary Biology - Syllabus Fall 2020; Syllabus Spring 2022
Comprehensive introduction to evolutionary biology. Includes focus on processes (natural selection, genetic drift) and resulting patterns (genome organization, phylogeny) illustrated with prokaryote and eukaryote examples.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2300 or BIOS 2310 or BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 3753 — Human Anatomy - Syllabus Fall 2022
Detailed study of human body structures using a regional and systems approach. Emphasis is placed on structural relationships and the integration of body systems. Note: Credit cannot be awarded for both APPH/BIOL 3751 and BIOS 3753.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours. Crosslisted with APPH 3753.
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1108 or 1208 and 1108L or 1208L) or CHEM 1211K or CHEM 1310
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 3754 — Anatomy Lab - Syllabus Fall 2022
A detailed hands-on study of human structure using high-resolution models, specialized specimens and dissection of selected mammalian organs and tissues.
1.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Corequisite: BIOS 3753
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 3755 — Human Physiology - Syllabus Spring 2021
Students will explore the function and adaptation of the human body emphasizing neuromuscular, cardio-respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and urinary systems to maintain homeostasis and human health. Crosslisted with APPH 3755. Note: Credit cannot be awarded for both APPH/BIOL 3751 and BIOS 3755.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1108 or 1208 and 1108L or 1208L) or BIOS 3753
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 3756 — Physiology Lab - Syllabus Spring 2022
A laboratory application of concepts in Physiology, providing hands-on experience focusing primarily on non-invasive human experiments supplemented with in vitro tissues experiments.
1.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lab hours
Corequisite: BIOS3755
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4012 — Protein Biology - Syllabus Spring 2022
Biological view of proteins, including: protein biosynthesis, processing, modifications, folding, trafficking, interactions, degradation, natural and directed evolution, protein assembly diseases, amyloids, prions and protein-based inheritance.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4015 — Cancer Biology & Technology - Syllabus Fall 2022
This course covers basic concepts of cancer biology and new technologies that are being developed to understand, detect, treat, and prevent cancer. Restricted to students with Senior standing.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or 1207 and 1107L or 1207L) or (BIOS 1108 or 1208 and 1108L or 1208L) or CHEM 1310 or CHEM 1211K or CHEM 1212K or PHYS 2211 or PHYS 2212 or EAS 1600 or EAS 1601 or EAS 2600
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4100 Exercise Physiology - Syllabus Spring 2021
Physiology of human movement with emphasis on metabolic, cardiorespiratory, and musculoskeletal aspects; associated topics include body composition, thermoregulation, and ergogenic aids
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3755 or BMED 3100
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4150 — Genomics & Applied Bioinformatics - Syllabus Fall 2024
Retrieval and analysis of biological sequence, gene expression, and proteomics data from public databases and other sources; applying standard bioinformatics tools to investigate biological questions.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours, 0.000 OR 2.000 Lecture hours, 0.000 OR 3.000 Lab hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610) and (CS 1321 or CS 1371 or CS 1301 or CS 1315)
Note: This course can fulfill the Biology major Quantitative Requirement or Biology Electives.
BIOS 4200 Kinesiology - Syllabus Fall 2021
This course teaches principles related to the biomechanics, energetics and motor control of movement as it applies to human and animal movement, rehabilitation, and sports performance
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (((BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L OR BIOS 1207L)) or ((BIOS 1108 or BIOS 1208) and (BIOS 1108L or BIOS 1208L)) or BIOS 3753) and (MATH 1113 or MATH 1552 or MATH 1555)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4221 — Biological Oceanography - Syllabus Spring 2024
An introduction to the major biological processes in the ocean including primary production, elemental cycling, food webs, and fisheries.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4225 — Molecular Evolution - Syllabus Fall 2018
Evolutionary processes at molecular level, organizations of genomes and genetic systems. Students will read and present up-to-date research articles in various topics in molecular evolution.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610) and (BIOS 2400 or BIOS 4150 or BIOS 4401 or MATH 3215 or ISYE 3770)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4238 — Ion Channels in Health and Disease - Syllabus Fall 2024
We will examine the basic biophysical properties, structure-function relationships, physiological regulation, pathology and pharmacological manipulation of ion channels with heavy reliance on recent literature.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3450 or BIOS 3755 or BMED 3100 or NEUR 3100
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4340 — Medical Microbiology - Syllabus Fall 2022
Advanced study of bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses that cause human diseases; emphasis on epidemiology, mechanisms of disease causation, prevention, and treatment.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3380
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4401 — Experimental Design & Statistical Methods - Syllabus Fall 2022
Introductory course on experimental design, hypothesis testing and basic statistical techniques commonly applied in biological research. Exercises based on computer statistical software packages.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (MATH 1553 and either MATH 1555 or MATH 1552) and (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: This course can fulfill the Biology major Quantitative Requirement or Biology Electives.
BIOS 4410 — Microbial Ecology
Advanced studies of microbial ecosystems, the specific roles of bacteria in maintaining ecological balance, and the evolution of the ecosystem in response to changing environments.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3380
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4417 — Marine Ecology - Syllabus Spring 2021
An overview of the physical forces and biotic interactions structuring marine communities and of the major threats to these communities.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2300 or BIOS 2310
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4418 — Microbial Physiology - Syllabus Spring 2021
Study of the physiology of growth and metabolic activities of microorganisms.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3380
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4428 — Population Dynamics - Syllabus Spring 2022
Ecological factors that affect dynamics, regulation, and evolution of natural populations, with an emphasis on the connections with mathematical models, genetics, and ecology.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2300 or BIOS 2310
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4432 — Conservation Biology - Syllabus Spring 2023
This course explores major approaches in conservation biology, the ecological principles behind conservation initiatives, and the interdisciplinary challenges arising from social, political and economic factors in conservation efforts. The goal of this class is to explore conservation issues from different levels, ranging from genetics to ecosystems and from small to broad scales. Students will gain competency in analyzing primary literature, identifying uncertainties in conservation science, and discussing the tools needed to implement effective conservation strategies.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2300 or BIOS 2310
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4440 — Human Pathology - Syllabus Spring 2024
The course provides a comprehensive overview of clinical human anatomic pathology. The course will focus on select diseases and their etiologies, pathogenesis, morphological changes, and clinical manifestations.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3753
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4460 — Communicating Biological Research - Syllabus Spring 2021 (Ratcliff); Syllabus Spring 2022 (Jiang); Syllabus Spring 2022 (Leavey); Syllabus Fall 2022 (Bozdag)
Students learn to convey the importance of research findings in the biological sciences and to critically evaluate research results through discussions and scientific presentations.
1.000 Credit hours, 1.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 4590 or BIOS 4690
Note: Fulfills Biology major core requirement.
BIOS 4464 — Developmental Biology - Syllabus Fall 2021
Investigations of cell differentiation and development using the tools of molecular genetics and cell biology.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610) and BIOS 3450
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4471 — Behavioral Biology - Syllabus Summer 2022
An introduction to the study of the principles of behavior of all kinds of organisms, from microbes to mammals.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or 1207 and 1107L or 1207L) or (BIOS 1108 or 1208 and 1108L or 1208L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4480 — Evolutionary Developmental Biology
This course teaches students how the process of development from embryo to adult impacts evolutionary diversity and human health.
2.000 Credit hours, 2.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4500 Drug Discovery - Syllabus Spring 2022
Students will learn about the drug discovery process by identifying a disease and disease target, and then design a therapy to treat the disease
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3450 and BIOS 4150
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4505 Biological Programming - Syllabus Fall 2023
This course introduces students to the basics of coding, applied to fundamental biological and medical questions.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4510 Epigenetics - Syllabus Spring 2021
This course will introduce the basic concepts and mechanisms in epigenetics, covering topics ranging from stem cell reprogramming, organismal development, social behaviors, to human diseases.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610 or BIOS 3450
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4515 Community Ecology - Syllabus Fall 2022
An advanced ecology course that covers classic and contemporary concepts, patterns, and processes in the field of community ecology.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2300 or BIOS 2310
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4520 Health, Genes, and Society - Syllabus Spring 2022
Capstone project based investigation of the roles that genes and culture play in shaping health, including an introduction to personalized medicine
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4530 Human Evolutionary Genomics - Syllabus Fall 2022
An advanced course where students will discuss primary literature and use computational tools to investigate how evolution has shaped global patterns of human genetic variation.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4540 Human Motor Control - Syllabus Fall 2021
Course provides in-depth review of biomechanics and neurophysiology of human motion and discusses how human movements are planned, executed and corrected by the nervous system
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: ((BIOS 1108 or BIOS 1208) and (BIOS 1108L or BIOS 1208L)) or NEUR 2001
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4545 — Human Genetics - Syllabus Fall 2021
Introduction to the genetics and evolution of complex human traits, focusing on contemporary approaches to understanding susceptibility to malignant, metabolic, immune and psychological diseases.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Semester level BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4550 Origin of Complex Life - Syllabus Spring 2022
This course examines the evolutionary origins of complex life. Students will examine the history of life on Earth and evolutionary process through which complexity arises
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4560 RNA Biology and Biotechnology - Syllabus Fall 2024
This course covers fundamental concepts of RNA biology as well as state-of-the-art biotechnologies that make use of RNA.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4565 — Chromosome Biology & Human Disease - Syllabus Spring 2024
This course is designed for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students interested in understanding fundamental mechanisms governing the metabolism of eukaryotic chromosomes. Each topic in the class will include an example of a disease that results from the malfunctioning of chromosomal maintenance. The course will include traditional lectures and seminars where research papers will be presented by the enrolled graduate students. This class is an essential resource for students of colleges of science and engineering studying cell, molecular, and developmental biology, as well as biochemistry, genetics, medicine, and all who seek to expand their knowledge of modern genomics and molecular genetics.
BIOS 4570 — Immunology
A survey of modern immunology and its applications.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4590 — Research Project Lab - Syllabus Spring 2021 (Skolnick); Syllabus Fall 2021 (Jiang); Syllabus Spring 2022 (Hu); Syllabus Spring 2022 (Schmidt-Krey)
Experience in designing, implementing, and communicating a biology research project, and practical training in modern approaches for biological research. Restricted to Senior Biology majors.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours, 0.000 OR 1.000 Lecture hours, 0.000 OR 6.000 Lab hours
Corequisites: BIOS 4460
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: This course fulfills the Biology Senior Research Requirement.
BIOS 4607 — Molecular Biology of Microbes: Disease, Nature, and Biotechnology - Syllabus Spring 2021
Molecular genetics of bacteria with an emphasis on experimental approaches, regulatory mechanisms in disease-causing and environmental bacteria, and biotechnology applications derived from microbes. Credit not allowed for both BIOS 4607 and BIOL 4608.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4620 — Aquatic Chemical Ecology - Syllabus Spring 2022
Focuses on understanding the chemical mechanisms of aquatic signaling and the cascading effects on population regulation, community organization, and ecosystem function.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2300 or BIOS 2310
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4651 — Bioethics - Syllabus Fall 2021
This course examines important bioethical issues in research, policy, medicine, and the environment in light of ethical theory and the process of scientific inquiry.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4668 — Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics
Topics in molecular genetics, including genetic engineering techniques, gene expression and regulation, genetic structure, stability and evolution, with emphasis on eukaryotic organisms.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4690 — Independent Research Project - Syllabus Spring 2022
Independent research with proposal and manuscript writing, conducted with the guidance of a faculty member.
3.000 Credit hours, 0.000 Lecture hours, 9.000 Lab hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2698 or BIOS 2699 or BIOS 4698 or BIOS 4699
Note: This course fulfills the Biology Senior Research Requirement.
BIOS 4694 — Intern Assistantship - Syllabus Summer 2022
Biology Undergraduate Internship for pay for juniors and seniors, by permit only. The internship experience must at a unit or agency approved by the School of Biological Sciences. AUDIT ONLY.
1.000 to 21.000 Credit hours
Note: This course cannot count toward Biology Electives or Free Electives.
BIOS 4695 — Undergraduate Internship - Syllabus Summer 2022
Biology Undergraduate Internship for credit for juniors and seniors, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Biological Sciences.
1.000 to 21.000 Credit hours
Note: Up to 6 credits can count toward Biology Breadth Electives; additional credits can count toward Free Electives.
BIOS 4696 — Biology Teaching Assistant
Biology teaching assistantship for pay under the guidance of a faculty member. Permit only. AUDIT ONLY.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: CETL 2000
Note: This course cannot count toward Biology Electives or Free Electives.
BIOS 4697 — Biology Undergraduate Teaching - Syllabus Spring 2022
An introduction to teaching biology for undergraduate teaching assistants, with a focus on effective teaching active engagement of students, and development of innovative classroom activities. Permit only.
0.000 OR 3.000 Credit hours, 0.000 OR 1.000 Lecture hours, 0.000 OR 6.000 Lab hours
Prerequisites: CETL 2000
Note: Up to 6 credits can count toward Biology Breadth Electives; additional credits can count toward Free Electives.
BIOS 4698 — Research Assistantship
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member. AUDIT ONLY.
1.000 TO 12.000 Credit hours, 1.000 TO 12.000 Lecture hours
Note: This course cannot count toward Biology Electives or Free Electives.
BIOS 4699 — Undergraduate Research - Syllabus Spring 2022 (OBS)
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
1.000 TO 12.000 Credit hours, 1.000 TO 12.000 Lecture hours
Note: Up to 6 credits can count toward Biology Breadth Electives; additional credits can count toward Free Electives.
BIOS 4740 — Bio-Inspired Design - Syllabus Fall 2024
We examine evolutionary adaptation as a source for engineering design inspiration, utilizing principles of scaling, adaptability, and robust multifunctionality that characterize biological systems.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: ((BIOS 1108 or BIOS 1208) and (BIOS 1108L or BIOS 1208L)) or BIOS 3600 or BMED 3100 or PHYS 2211
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4744 — Microbial Symbiosis and Microbiomes - Syllabus Fall 2024
This course explores how symbiotic interactions with microbes affect the biology of other organisms, focusing extensively on the beneficial microbes native to the human body.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L)
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4746 — Signaling Molecules - Syllabus Fall 2020
The diversity of chemical signals between organisms and their structural specifications will be presented along with chemical and biological methods for isolating signaling molecules.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1107 or BIOS 1207) and (BIOS 1107L or BIOS 1207L) and CHEM 2311
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4803 Special Topics: Aging Movement Control
Aging affects the neuromuscular and motor control systems, leading to declines in movement function and quality of life. This course explores the physiological, biomechanical, and neural changes in motor control that occur with aging. Students will engage in lectures, discussions, paper readings, and hands-on activities to understand the mechanisms behind movement decline, as well as interventions aimed at maintaining or improving motor function in older adults. Through critical analysis of current research, students will gain insight into the factors contributing to movement dysfunction and rehabilitation strategies in aging populations. This course is relevant to students interested in gerontology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, biomechanics, rehabilitation, and sports science.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 1108 or BIOS 1208 or BIOS 2500 or BMED 3100
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4803 Special Topics: Geomicrobiology - Syllabus Fall 2023
Geomicrobiology describes the interactions between microorganisms and the geosphere and bridge the gap between geochemistry and environmental microbiology. Fundamental processes such as microbial physiology and genetics, geochemical controls on microbial diversity and activity, microbiological controls on geochemical reaction networks, redox and acid-base geochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, and evolution will be examined.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 3380 or EAS 3620
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4803 Special Topics: Human Sexual Differentiation
Description: This active-learning course is focused on developmental biology, where we will explore the molecular, genetic and cellular underpinnings of sexual differentiation in humans. We will explore what biological sex means in a human context and discover how the earliest molecular signals eventually lead to the formation of primary and secondary sex characteristics.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: BIOS 2600 or BIOS 2610 or BIOS 3450
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4803 Special Topics: Nutrition - Syllabus Summer 2022
The course is a study of human nutrition as an applied science and covers nutrition physiology: metabolism, energy production, biochemical aspects, role of nutrients, weight control mechanisms, fitness and consumerism.
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: APPH 1040 or APPH 1050
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.
BIOS 4813 — Special Topics: Biology of Terrestrial Vertebrates - Syllabus Spring 2022
This course focuses on the natural history of terrestrial vertebrates: their classification, evolution, anatomy, physiology, behavior, and conservation. Our focus will be on extant amphibians, reptiles including birds, and mammals. The laboratory portion of the course will emphasize behavioral biology of the animal collection housed at Zoo Atlanta, with a potential optional weekend field trip. Students also will develop and carry out a short behavioral research project at the Zoo. Lectures take place at Georgia Tech, while Friday labs take place mostly at Zoo Atlanta (transportation to be provided).
3.000 Credit hours, 3.000 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: (BIOS 1108 or BIOS 1208) and (BIOS 2300 or BIOS 2310); BIOS 3600 recommended
Note: Fulfills Biology Electives.